Monday, July 2, 2012

On May 2, 2012, 50 willing and able men and women both young and old set off to Panama to volunteer their lives for the next two years. Since then we've spent two months training and learning Spanish, Ngabere, Woonan and Embera.

3 am DC Airport
Crazy Coaster rides to the big city

Edier, my rockin' 4 year-old host brother

 Aramis Coronado, Carmen Rodriguez and Edier, my wonderful host family for two months.

A little coral snake on the trail...
The environmental health crew on a hike to a spring source in Chichica, Chiriqui.

A few buddies and I went up a fun peak called Pena Blanca with my technical week host dad Ruben... who is el hombre.

We all visited a current volunteer in their community for a week to see how they live and what they are doing. I had the pleasure of meeting Elio "Uncle Rick" Lafferty in Altos de los Darieles. He turns chickens into dogs there.

The cruising market of Santa Rita

The host community threw us a going away party complete with Panamanian Tipica music!

After two months of training in environmental health, sustainable agriculture and language while living in small communities with host families, we are ready to begin our service.
Next week we head out into the mountains, jungles, plains and beaches of Panama to live with small communities for two years and share our lives while learning from theirs.
BUT FIRST we "swear-in" as official government service men and women at the Panama Canal Museum with the Panamanian President and US Ambassador...followed by a celebration of course, more pictures soon...

1 comment:

  1. Word hermano! Cool blog. Those mountains look amazing. Are you sure you're not in the Andes?
