Saturday, July 21, 2012

I´ve begun assimilating into my new home, hiking trails to visit homes and other vilñages, and am preparing to build my house. I´m beginning to fall in love with this place!
I´m building my house here in my village out of wood, luckliy I won´t have to carry it too far! Unfortunately he wouldn´t let me touch his beautiful Stihl 381 chainsaw....I´ll convince him one of these days...

A typical nieghborhood

A typical house

A typical kitchen complete with a 3 stone stove

Before cutting wood, needed to get a permit in the township vilage a few hours away. This shot is of my valley where you can barely see the Rio San Juan. My host dad Ignacio trots in front of me, he´s like a native Arnold Schwartenegger, good to have on my side.

 Despite my best efforts, the bugs got me. Mosquitos, chiggers,´s a warzone!
Hiking down the high trail to go swim in the river

Sunset from the porch, my host mom thought the bright colors meant trouble.

A nice cliff for potential climbing development, roughly 200 ft vertical basalt, alls I needs a partner!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jor-dan,
    If I send something to:

    Comarca Ngobe Bugle
    Western Pa-na-ma

    would it reach you? If not, where can I send something? If nowhere, then mierda.
